Join our all-star lineup of supporters.

  • The backbone of our program, our volunteers help with recruiting participants, running stations at clinics, coaching pick-up games, planning and setting up events, designing marketing campaigns, and plenty of other meaningful activities.

  • We seek sponsorships in cash and in-kind for events that we host throughout the year. Since we do not charge a participation fee, we rely on donations and the generosity of sponsors to continue offering access to our programs.

  • Juststole3rd is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, which means that the IRS has blessed our existence. Your financial and in-kind contributions are tax deductible, in most cases. We provide documentation to support for your generous contributions.

  • We are a team of high school students running a nonprofit. We are responsible for recruiting participants and supporters; mentoring athletes; designing and delivering player development curriculum; establishing partnerships with organizations such a Little League of America and Special Olympics and local organizations; directing funding; paying bills; issuing tax deductible receipts; and organizing and marketing events.

    If you’re interested in joining our Board, please reach out to to set up an interview with our Board members.